How to paint 3D-printed buildings

In this tutorial, we will explore fast and simple techniques for painting 3D-printed houses made from filament, perfect for wargaming. Although we are going to paint a 15mm house for Flames of War, the same techniques can be applied to any theme and scale. The idea is to take advantage of colored primer cans for the base colors, and then create contrast using dry brushing and filters. Step 1 – Preparation Filament printers are an amazing tool for creating scenery elements for wargames with ease. However, the inevitable downside of this type of printing is the resulting linear texture. To…

How to create autumn-themed bases

It has been a bit since my last blog post, but that does not mean I have forgotten about it. I am working on some neat stuff that I hope will be ready to share soon. In the meantime, I have put together a short and simple article explaining how we can create bases using simple materials while still achieving very realistic results. The trick is to utilize natural elements, such as soil and small branches. We save time because we do not need to paint them, plus they look precisely how they are supposed to on our tiny models.…

How to create leaves for your bases

We have many options and product to decorate our bases or terrain, including the classical electrostatic grass fibers or the popular grass tufts. However, some of these products might be very pricey, specially if we are looking for small leaves fitting the scale of our miniatures. In this tutorial we will see how we can use a natural product as a cheap (free) and very effective alternative to simulate leaves in our bases or terrain. The necromancer illustrating this guide is a lovely model from Citizens of the Old World (Heresylab).  The key ingredient are birch tree seeds. Although you can…

Working with the terrain II

I was so fortunate when people from Wargames: Soldiers & Strategy asked me for preparing a cover for the special Salute issue. They wanted me to prepare a vignette or small scene with some 28mm Italo-Norman knights from Conquest Games; and I decided to build a diorama where a number of knights are crossing a meadow. I would like to share with you some hints about how I built it, although you will find more information in the WS&S 84 issue.  Prior taking the putty and knife, I took a piece of paper and a ruler in order to design…