How to do dusty tires

Nowadays, I have less time and opportunities to write a new post in my Blog. But I’m still alive!. So, because I have painted a sci-fi vehicle in 15mm (1:100 scale) from Khurasan Miniatures, I’ve prepared this simple tutorial to simulate the dust on wheels in 15mm miniatures. Also, this is my first entry in English, and my english is a little bad. So, I apologize for any error!. If we yield to the logic, the ideal tool to simulate dust is a pigment. Because in the nature the dust is generated by small particles, like our pigments, we can…

Videotutorial – How to paint German Tanks in 15mm

I have prepared a new videotutorial to show how to paint a German tank. I have chosen a paperpanzer, a Jagdpanzer E-50 from Heer46. The large panels and pronounce edges make this vehicle a perfect model to practice the “color modulation” technique, as you will see later. The camouflage I chose is based on a drawing I found in the 1945 German Colors book from AK interactive, page 61. Inspired by the reference to real colors featured in this book, I have used the corresponding painting set from AK, AK554 German Late Color set. I have tried to compress all…

Videotutorial – How to paint British infantry in 15mm

Debido al éxito que ha tenido el video de técnicas de envejecimiento me he animado a hacerotro, en este caso sobre como pintar infantería británica de 15mm. Hacer un video de este tipo es bastante engorroso, ya que la cámara tengo que colocarla entre mis ojos y la figura, por lo que a la hora de pintar tengo que hacer un poco de contorsionismo. Por ello, cuando terminaba cada sesión de grabación tenía que retirar la cámara y repasar un poco lo que había pintado!. En cualquier caso, a groso modo creo que el video recoge todos los pasos correctamente.…