How to paint 15mm tanks: German spider mech

While I am learning new hobbies (and sports) in this lovely Finish land, such as ice swimming, ice hockey or cross-country ski, I had enough time to paint and prepare a painting guide featuring an interesting Panzermech from ClockWork Goblin miniatures. I love this theme! In the past, I painted a couple of walkers from DreamPod9, and I currently attempt to paint as many E-series tanks as I can from Forged in Battle or Heer46. All in 1/100 scale or 15mm, of course!, my preferred scale. In this occasion, I’ve prepared a complete painting guide. However, I want to notice…

Videotutorial – How to paint an antitank gun in 15mm

Hace tres años que hice mi primer videotutorial. Me habría gustado sacar más, pero por diversos motivos —principalmente debido a que es un engorro— nunca he llegado a ponerme en serio a ello. No obstante, aprovechando estas vacaciones y algún otro aliciente, decidí intentar hacer un nuevo video. En esta ocasión, además de explorar la técnica de la modulación, me he centrado un poco más en las técnicas de envejecimiento.   Base with Olive green (XF-58, Tamiya) First light with Khaki Olive Drab (UA 221, LifeColor) Second light with Olive Drab Faded type 2 (UA 224, LifeColor) Third light with…